Meguko adopted SMS system to the Philippines before India. Students are proud of receiving a support from Meguko and have a great gratitude to the supporters.
フィリピンの支援施設では奨学金の給付だけでなく、「めぐこ」奨学生に対して各施設独自のプログラムが実施されていることが多く、スタディーツアーの際には「めぐこ」メンバーはMEGUKO Friendsと呼ばれ親しまれています。
Besides the payment of our scholarship, most partner institutions in the Philippines have their original programs for SMS. Every other year, Meguko members visit the institutions and the original programs for SMS to interact with the students. SMS call us “MEGUKO friends” as a sign of friendship during our visit.
- フィリピン概況(General Situation of the Philippines)
The Philippines has recently achieved rapid economic growth. Also, it has gathered attention in the sight of tourism, but at the same time, the disparity in wealth has become bigger and bigger.セブ市では、巨大ショッピングモールを出た路地裏を少し進んだところにスラム街が偏在していおり、
The Philippines has recently achieved rapid economic growth. Also, it has gathered attention in the sight of tourism, but at the same time, the disparity in wealth has become bigger and bigger.都市部では特にスクウォッターと呼ばれる土地の不法居住者が多く、
There are many problems in urban areas. For example, there are many “squatters” people who are illegally settled in other’s property. Unauthorized use of electricity or water supply occurs frequently, and that situation often causes a fire. What is more, infection diseases spread in those areas. It is mostly because of the lack of a sanitary system. Some districts are troubled with problems of gambling or drugs.フィリピンでは「K to 12」という政府の大幅な教育改革によって、現在12年間の義務教育期間の教育費が無償となっています。
In the Philippines, students do not have to pay for school expenses for 12 years. This is the biggest change of “K to 12” educational reform. However, there are many students who cannot continue their school education. This is mainly because of their financial difficulty to afford school uniforms, textbooks, or stationaries. Also, if students live in illegal areas, the government often forces them to move out. What is more, their parents sometimes do not have enough understanding of the importance of education.- フィリピンで「めぐこ」支援の成果(An achievement of a former SMS)
2016年度に支援を終了した「メダルパリッシュ」の元「めぐこ」奨学生のJhett Tolentinoさんはフィリピンで会計学の学位の所得後に渡米され、
Mr. Jhett Tolentino is a former SMS of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish, which is an institution we were supporting until 2012. He emigrated to the US after getting a degree in accounting and now he works as a theater producer on Broadway. He has received many awards such as Tony Awards and Grammy Awards. He said that Meguko’s support is essential for him when he looks back his life.2015年に来日された際には、上智大学にお越しくださりトロフィーを見せてくださったり、「めぐこ」メンバーの質問に気さくに答えてくださいました。
When he visited Japan in 2015, he came to Sophia University to visit Meguko members. He kindly answered our questions and showed us his trophy.
(Click here to see more about the interview.)Jhettさんは、「Life is What you make」と題した、自分の半生のドキュメンタリー映像を作成中で、「めぐこ」のミーティングの様子も撮影しました。
At that time, he was making a documentary film that illustrates half of his life, and he filmed us meeting during his visit. The documentary titled “Life Is What You Make It” was completed and released in 2017.
施設名(Name of institution) : CICセブ
Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Cebu (CIC-cebu)
設立年(Year of establishment) : 1880
支援開始年(Start year of our support) : 1978
SMS人数(Number of SMS) : 400
支援金用途(Use of donation) :学用品、制服、通学用の靴、移動費と食費(SMSの集会用)
school supplies, school uniform, shoes, transportation fee and food expenses (For SMS assembly)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution) : CICセブは私立学校だが、私たちが支援しているのはCICセブに通う子どもたちではなく、セブ市街とセブ近郊地域の公立学校に通う400人の子どもたちであり、CICセブのソーシャルワーカーの方にSMS制度を管理していただいている。SMSが暮らす地域によって、通う学校が大きく3つ(シティーエリア・カレロ・カンガティス)に分かれる(都市部と地方。)
CIC Cebu is a private school located in Cebu city. We are supporting 400 children attending schools in the city of Cebu, not the children attending CIC Cebu. Schools that SMS attend are divided into city areas, Calero, and Kang-atis depending on where they live(urban area and rural area).
Most students who attend the schools in the city area live in the barangay and many of their living environments are not safe enough. Also, Kang-atis located in the mountain and Calero in the countryside, school roads are not well-paved, so some students take quite a long time to go to school. Nevertheless, many students are so active and have strong motivation toward studying in all areas.
施設名(Name of institution) : Don Bosco (Pasil) Youth Center, Inc.
設立年(Year of establishment) : 1968
支援開始年(Start year of our support) : 1978
SMS人数(Number of SMS) : 120
支援金用途(Use of donation) : 制服、体操着、上履き、サマースクールの開催費 (school uniform, gym clothes, shoes, tuition fee for summer school)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution) :ドンボスコはユースセンター、職業訓練所、そしてセントニーニョ教会の3つの組織から成っている。「めぐこ」が支援しているのは1つ目のユースセンターが行う奨学金プログラムの一部である。
This institution is composed of three sections: Youth center, Vocational training center, and Sto. Nino Parish. We support one of the scholarship programs which is held by the Youth center.
The vocational center has five main parts, such as machine repair and sewing, etc. Moreover, they offer additional opportunities for youths to get more professional techniques, and it increases the youth employment rate. Sto. Nino Parish supports the lives of the neighborhood by giving chances of free meals and supplying medical services as support projects.
施設名(Name of institution) : アシロ・デ・モロ(Asilo de molo, Inc.)
設立年(Year of establishment) : 1912
支援開始年度(Starting year of our support) : 1985
SMS人数(Number of SMS) : 100
支援金用途(Use of donation) : 主に制服や教科書など。年に4回親に手渡しで奨学金を渡し、レシートを受け取ることで使用用途を把握している。
Mainly used for uniform, textbooks, and so on. The institution provides scholarships to parents of SMS four times a year and gets a detailed statement of its use from them.
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution) : 当施設は老人ホームであり、施設のプログラムの一環として子どもたちの支援活動を行っている。プログラムは施設のシスターが取りまとめ、地域周辺に住んでいる教育を受けることを望んでいる子どもたちを支援している。2016年と2018年の当施設のツアープロジェクトでは、希望あふれる子どもたちに将来の夢を書いてもらい、一つのモザイクアートを作成した。
This institution is originally playing the role of a nursing home, moreover, they support children in their community as a part of its volunteer program. The sisters of the institution are coordinating and helping children living around the area who hope to get an education. We created a mosaic art together by writing about their hopeful future dreams in our tour project of 2016 and 2018.
施設名(Name of institution) : Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
設立年(Year of establishment) : 1917
支援開始年(Start year of our support) : 2015
SMS人数(Number of SMS) : 100
支援金用途(Use of donation) : 制服、学用品、コピー代、テスト用紙、交通 費、プログラム・PTA参加費 (school uniform, school supplies, copy charges, test paper, transportation expense, program expenses, PTA participation fee)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution) : サグラドはイロイロ市中心部にある私立学校で、「めぐこ」は施設周辺の公立学校に通う子どもたちを支援している。学校周辺はスラムが多く、住民のほとんどがスクウォッターの地域だ。2015年に送金を開始した当施設は、2017年にはSMS を50人から100人に増やした。そのためSMSは低学年が多いが、施設のソーシャルワーカーのSMSの保護者に対するプログラムや働きかけが充実しているため、保護者の多くが教育の重要性を理解してくださっている。This institution is supporting the children who are studying in public schools located in central Iloilo city. A lot of slums are gathering around the school and most of the people living there are squatters. There were 50 SMS when Meguko started supporting this institution in 2015, but we increased the number of SMS to 100 in 2017. Now the majority of SMS are elementary school students, however, because of the programs held by the social workers working at this institution, their parents have understood the importance of education.
施設名(Name of institution) : St. Anthony College of Roxas City, Inc.
設立年(Year of establishment) : 1956 (病院 hospital)、1958 (大学 college)
支援開始年(Start year of our support) :1982
SMS人数(Number of SMS) : 200
支援金用途(Use of donation) : 学用品、学校行事参加費(school supplies, fee for school festival)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution) : セントアンソニーは大学病院であり、Community Extension Serviceという、地域の人々への医療サービスの提供や教育支援を行うプログラムを実施している。その一環として奨学金は地域の経済的に困難な家庭に提供されている。「めぐこ」の奨学金制度はこのプログラムの教育支援に分類される。子どもたちはここで衛生教育、宗教、食育、読書といった基礎学習をする。またここでは3ヶ月に1回、SMSとその親たちを対象に教育や道徳を学ぶミーティングを開催している。
St. Anthony is a university hospital and has a program called Community Extension Service, which provides medical services and education to local people. As part of this program, scholarships are offered to economically challenged families with children. (Therefore, students in university hospitals are not supported.)
The SMS system is classified as educational support in this program. Children learn basic knowledge such as health education, religion, dietary education, and reading. Also, once every three months, a meeting is held for SMS and their parents to learn about education and morals.