The caste system of India divided Hindus into a hierarchical group. In one theory, the Aryans arrived in India introduced this caste system to conquer and established their statement over indigenous people. The indigenous people are treated unfairly in this system. Meguko specializes in providing scholarships to the Adivasi tribal private schools in Gujarat.
- アーディーワーシーについて
About Adivasi
そのため、カースト制度の枠に組み込まれることすらなく「アウトオブカースト」としてカースト制度による差別のなかで最も不当な扱いを受けてきました。The Adivasi are indigenous people of the forest area in Gujarat that practice animism and spiritual belief. Despite the spread of Hinduism, they remained in their homeland and protected their traditional lifestyles. This led them to be outcaste of the Hindu caste system which associated them with unfair treatments or discriminations.Even after discrimination against lower castes was banned by the law, the influence of the caste remains. A diversity of religion in the country result in current religious conflicts in the nation.
- インドの歴史とリザーブシステム
History of India and the Reserve System
インドは、1947 年に100年以上続いたイギリスによる植民地支配からの独立をついに勝ち取りました。
イギリスはインド統治時代に後進カースト向上のための福祉政策を発足させましたが、独立後、インドはこれをさらに拡充させ、憲法上の不可触民(=指定カースト)などの社会的弱者保護を目的としたリザーブシステム(優先的留保制度)を設けました。India had long fought with the British to gain independence and finally accomplished it in 1947. During the colonized period, there had been a social welfare system established by British to protect local people who are socially alienated due to their low castes. After the independence, India officially implemented an improved system named “Reserve System” for further safety of the oppressed ones.
Reserve System aims to guarantee 15% of the employees, executives, and students of the government-affiliated organization to be the people from the designated caste.
インドが「多様性の国」と呼ばれるように「めぐこ」が支援する子どもたちの中でもヒンズー教やイスラム教などを信仰する子どもたちも少なくありません。Although the system seems to be beneficial for the whole society at the first glance, it only covers discriminated people with faith in Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism which excluding other religions, for example Christianity. Many students Meguko supports are Christian and thereby are out of governmental protection.
- インドの教育制度
The education system in India
インドでは、2002年の第86次憲法改正や2009年の「無償義務教育に関する子どもの権利法」(The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act:通称RTE法)の成立・施行により、教育に対する改革が進められています。Reformation of education is being advanced by the 86th Constitutional Amendment in 2002 and the establishment and enforcement of “The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE)”.
In Article 8, the supply of free basic education in governmental schools is determined. Article 8 also determines to guarantee that there is no obstacle to receiving basic education for children in socially vulnerable classes due to discrimination.
スタディーツアーの際に現地の神父・シスター・「めぐこ」が支援する私立学校の教職員から挙げられています。However, there are several problems including a cheap salary for teaching staff in governmental schools, a lack of teachers, and the low quality of teachers. Moreover, the teachers and staff in private schools Meguko support during our Study Tour say even running the public schools is difficult because they cannot receive financial help from the government.
The Xavier Centre for Development
設立年(Year of establishment): 1976
支援開始年(Start year of our support): 1980
SMS人数(Number of SMS): × Tuition Classと呼ばれる補習授業のクラスを支援していたため、SMS制度の導入が出来なかった。
Adivasi Samajik Kendra, Education Society-Relva
Jivan Jyot Social Service Society
施設名(Name of institution): Jivan Jyot Social Service Society
設立年(Year of establishment): 1973
支援開始年(Start year of our support): 1989
SMS人数(Number of SMS): 100
支援金用途(Use of donation):文房具・体操服(stationery・training wear for P.E. class)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution):この施設では1〜8年生の子どもたちが学んでおり、7~8年生を対象とした高学年SMS制度を採用しています。施設の問題としては、6月頃の深刻な水不足が挙げられます。施設内には子どもたちが環境保護への理解を深めることができるよう、ガーデニングが充実しています。また、キリスト教精神の豊かな環境の中で、子どもたちは毎日のお祈りやキリスト教を学ぶ時間を大切にしています。
Jivan Jyot Social Service Society provides learning opportunities for first to eighth grade students. Meguko applies the SMS system particularly to senior students in seventh and eighth grade are chosen as SMS students. One of the most serious issues this institution faces is the lack of water in June.
This institution is full of plants and flowers in the garden, offering chances for students to develop understanding toward environmental conservation. Also, students are able to study in an environment where they can fully dedicate themselves into Christianity and they cherish prayer and Christianity classes.
Nav Jyot Social Service Society
施設名(Name of institution): Nav Jyot Social Service Society
設立年(Year of establishment) :1978
支援開始年(Year of the first aid): 1989
SMS人数(Number of SMS): 100 (実際には240名であったが、今年から100人になるよう、要請しました。
Acutually, they mistook the way to use support fund ,so they will change the way this year according to Meguko’s requirement
支援金用途(Use of donation) :食費など food
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution):自然が豊かな環境。とても明るい子どもたちが多く、人口のほとんどを部族が占めている。また、この地域では水不足が問題となっている。
This area is surrounded by beautiful nature, and children always play there cheerly. This area is almost comprised by tribes. One of the serious problem is lack of water.
Jivan Jyot Unai
施設名(Name of institution): Jivan Jyot Unai
設立年(Year of establishment): 1961
支援開始年(Start year of our support): 1981
SMS人数(Number of SMS): 100
支援金用途(Use of donation): 食費・補習授業料(food expenses・supplementary tution fee)
施設の特徴(characteristics of institution): この施設はVedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of Charityと連携をとっている男子寮を運営しており、6年生から12年生までの男の子がこの寮で生活している。また、この施設 とVedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of CharityのFr.とSr.が周辺の村を訪問し、地域で広がっている諸問題の解決に向けてさまざまなプログラムを行っている。このプログラムを通して村の人々に教育や健康の重要性が人々に浸透しつつあり、教育を受ける子どもたちだけでなく、大人の方も教育に対して前向きな姿勢を見せてくださっている。
This institution runs a men’s domitory which cooperates with Vedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of Charity, and male students who are from 6th grade to 12th grade stay in this domitory. Also, Fr. and Sr. from this institution and Vedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of Charity visit many villages around the institutions, they work on some programs to solve the rooted problems around the villages. They teach the importance of education and health to people in the villages through these programs, and not only children who study but also adults adopt a forward-looking attitude toward education because of these programs.
Vedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of Charity
施設名(Name of institution): Vedruna Niketan Carmelite Sisters of Charity
設立年(Year of establishment): 1961
支援開始年(Start year of our support): 1981
SMS人数(Number of SMS): 100
支援金用途(Use of donation): 食費・補習授業料(food expenses・supplementary tution fee)
施設の特徴(characteristics of institution): この施設はJivan Jyot Unaiと連携をとりつつ、6~12年生が通う女子寮を運営している。2009年より導入された全ての授業を英語で行うEnglish Mediumのクラスと、現地の言葉で行う通常クラスのGujarati Mediumに分かれている。English Mediumの学費は通常より高いため、女子寮の子どもたちは全員Gujarati Mediumで勉強に励んでいた。施設のSr.はFr.と一緒に村を訪問し、ミサを行ったり教育の重要性やアルコール依存性の危険性を説いたりすることで地域の問題解決にも取り組んでいる。
This institution runs a women’s dormitory for 6th to 12th grade and cooperates with Jivan Jyot Unai. There are two types of classes, English Medium using only English introduced in 2009 and original Gujarati Medium with local language. All girls in the dormitory take the original one because the tuition fee of English Medium is higher. Moreover, Fr. and Sr. from this institution visit villages and solve local issues by explaining the importance of education and the risk of alcoholism.
Jivan Jyot Society Bardipada
施設名(Name of institution):Jivan Jyot Society Bardipada
設立年(Year of establishment):1985
支援開始年(Start year of our support):2002
SMS人数(Number of SMS):100
支援金用途(Use of donation):施設維持費(Maintenance Expense)、教師の給料(Salary Expense)、文房具費(Stationery Expense)など
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution):この施設は、”Jivan Vahal Society Bardipada”と連携を取りながら、6-12年生が通う学校・寮を運営。バルディパダ周辺地域には約25の村があり、多くの子どもたちはこれらの村出身で、家族と離れて寮生活を送っている。11年生以降はコースが分かれ人数が制限されるため、学内の選考を受け約半数の生徒が他校に編入するようだ。地域が抱える問題としては、設備不足による水不足、アルコール依存症の問題が挙げられる。施設のFr.やSr.は頻繁に村を訪問し、地域とのつながりを大切にしている。
This institution runs a school and a dormitory for 6th to 12th standard students which is in close contact with ”Jivan Vahal Society Bardipada.” There are about 25 villages in Bardipada area and most students are from there villages. They are lives in dormitory apart from their family. After 10th standard, students choose their own course so that limited students can continue to go to this school. Through taking exam, about half number of students move to other school. This area has problems of lack of water (caused by lack of facility) and alcohol addiction. Fr. and Sr. emphasis on community network and they often visit villages.
Jivan Vahal Society Bardipada
施設名(Name of institution):Jivan Vahal Society Bardipada (バルディパダSr.) 設立年(Year of establishment):1985 支援開始年(Start year of our support):2002 SMS人数(Number of SMS):100
支援金用途(Use of donation):食費(Food expenses)、学用品 (Stationeries)、教師の給料 (Salary expenses)
施設の特徴(Characteristics of institution):この施設は、Jivan Jyot Society Bardipada (バルディパダFr.) と隣接していて、SMSはバルディパダFr. と同じ学校に通っている女子生徒である。学校の運営はFr. 側が行っており、バルディパダSr. は主に女子寮の運営をしている。
Sr. が周辺の村を定期的に訪れて、生活費の運営方法など、女性の日々の生活に役立つ知識や技術を伝えている。
Jivan Vahal Society Bardipada is located close to Jyot Society Bardipada, and the students in this institution are girls who go to the same school as Jivan Jyot Society Bardipada.
Jivan Jyot Society Bardipada runs the school and the boys hostel, and this institution mainly manages the girls hostel.
SMS are selected from 6th to 12th grade students, because pre-primary schools in this area are managed by the government. In addition to the hostel management, Sisters in this institution conduct a program to support female independence in their communities.
They constantly visit villages near the institution, and teach knowledges and techniques that are useful for women’s lives, such as a management skill of living expenses.
St. Xavier’s Vidyavihar Limdarupa
施設名(Name of institution): St. Xavier’s Vidhyavihar, Limdapura
設立年(Year of establishment): 1993
支援開始年(Start year of our support): 2016
SMS人数(Number of SMS): 100
支援金用途(Use of donation): 食費・補習授業 food expenses・supplementary tution fee
施設の特徴(characteristics of institution): 2016、2017年度はSMS生50人に対しての支援を行っていましたが、2018年度よりSMS生を100人に増員しました。この施設では、SMS生は全員自分たちが「めぐこ」という日本の団体から1,000INRを教育費として受け取っていることを理解した上で一人一人サインしているため、SMS生であるという自覚を持っています。また、2019年度インドスタディーツアーで訪問した際には、校舎の外観がとても綺麗になっており、新しくコンピュータールームが増設されていました。
We formerly supported 50 SMS students in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, the number of SMS increased to 100. In this institution, all SMS are aware of being chosen as a SMS because they receive money by signing on a document and understand 1,000INR is given from a Japanese organization called “Meguko”. When we visited in 2019, the appearance of the school building was maintained and the computer lab was newly built.